Observation record

ID: 82508

Species: Stylophora pistillata

Location: Mast Head Reef

Primary resource: Fitt, W., Gates, R., Hoegh Guldberg, O., Bythell, J., Jatkar, A., Grottoli, A., Gomez, M., Fisher, P., Lajuenesse, T., Pantos, O., Iglesias Prieto, R., Franklin, D., Rodrigues, L., Torregiani, J., Van Woesik, R., Lesser, M. (2009) Response of two species of Indo-Pacific corals, Porites cylindrica and Stylophora pistillata, to short-term thermal stress: The host does matter in determining the tolerance of corals to bleaching. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 373, 102-110

Secondary resource: Franklin, E. C., Stat, M., Pochon, X., Putnam, H. M., Gates, R. D. (2011) GeoSymbio: a hybrid, cloud-based web application of global geospatial bioinformatics and ecoinformatics for Symbiodinium-host symbioses. Molecular Ecology Resources 12, 369-373

Contributor: Hollie Putnam


Last modified: 4 December 2014 at 11:38 PM

Created: 4 December 2014 at 11:38 PM
