Methodology: on release

ID: 67


  • Oocyte size at maturity should ideally measured once oocytes have been released from the colony in broadcast spawners. Both histology and dissection are less accurate because it is difficult to be certain oocytes are mature and the shapes of oocytes are highly irregular prior to release.

Used for traits:

Added by: Andrew Baird

Observations using this methodology

Hydnophora exesa

Hydnophora pilosa

Isopora cuneata

Isopora palifera

Leptoria phrygia

Lobactis scutaria

Lobophyllia corymbosa

Lobophyllia hemprichii

Madracis mirabilis

Madracis pharensis

Madracis senaria

Merulina ampliata

Merulina triangularis

Micromussa lordhowensis