Eastern-most range edge

ID: 165

Class: Geographical


Eastern-most edge of a species range given as longitude, typically calculated from shapefiles. May also include one-off published observations. Not to be confused with eastern-most longitude relative to Greenwich. The value that results in the greatest range extent is used when species are synonymized.



Editor: Sally Keith (contact)


Seriatopora hystrix

Seriatopora stellata

Siderastrea glynni

Siderastrea savignyana

Simplastrea vesicularis

Stylaraea punctata

Stylocoeniella armata

Stylocoeniella cocosensis

Stylocoeniella guentheri

Stylophora danae

Stylophora kuehlmanni

Stylophora madagascarensis

Stylophora mamillata

Stylophora pistillata

Stylophora subseriata

Stylophora wellsi

Symphyllia agaricia

Symphyllia erythraea

Symphyllia hassi

Symphyllia radians

Symphyllia recta

Symphyllia valenciennesii

Trachyphyllia geoffroyi

Turbinaria bifrons

Turbinaria conspicua