Western-most range edge

ID: 166

Class: Geographical


Western-most edge of a species range given as longitude, typically calculated from shapefiles. May also include one-off published observations. Not to be confused with western-most longitude relative to Greenwich. The value that results in the greatest range extent is used when species have been synonymized.



Editor: Sally Keith (contact)


Platygyra lamellina

Platygyra pini

Platygyra ryukyuensis

Platygyra sinensis

Platygyra verweyi

Platygyra yaeyamaensis

Plerogyra discus

Plerogyra simplex

Plerogyra sinuosa

Plesiastrea versipora

Pleuractis granulosa

Pleuractis moluccensis

Pleuractis paumotensis

Pleuractis seychellensis

Pleuractis taiwanensis

Pocillopora ankeli

Pocillopora capitata

Pocillopora damicornis

Pocillopora danae

Pocillopora effusa

Pocillopora elegans

Pocillopora eydouxi

Pocillopora fungiformis

Pocillopora indiania

Pocillopora inflata