Mode of larval development

ID: 5

Class: Reproductive


The mode of larval development classified as either a brooder, where fertilization is internal and colonies release planulae larvae, or a broadcast spawner, where gametes are release for external fertilization and the planulae develops in the plankton.


Values: spawner brooder both


Editor: Andrew Baird (contact)


Acropora vaughani

Acropora willisae

Acropora yongei

Agaricia agaricites

Agaricia fragilis

Agaricia humilis

Agaricia tenuifolia

Alveopora daedalea

Alveopora fenestrata

Alveopora gigas

Alveopora japonica

Alveopora tizardi

Alveopora verrilliana

Anacropora puertogalerae

Astrangia haimei

Astrangia lajollaensis

Astrangia poculata

Astrea curta

Astreopora gracilis

Astreopora listeri

Astreopora myriophthalma

Astroides calycularis

Australogyra zelli

Australophyllia wilsoni

Balanophyllia elegans