Veron species id

ID: 62

Class: Unclassified


The ID for species used in Charlie Veron's range maps and CD ROM from Corals of the World. The ID is also used to link to AIMS Fact Sheets.



Editor: Joshua Madin (contact)


Seriatopora aculeata

Seriatopora caliendrum

Seriatopora dentritica

Seriatopora guttata

Seriatopora hystrix

Seriatopora stellata

Siderastrea glynni

Siderastrea radians

Siderastrea savignyana

Siderastrea siderea

Siderastrea stellata

Simplastrea vesicularis

Solenastrea bournoni

Solenastrea hyades

Stephanocoenia intersepta

Stylaraea punctata

Stylocoeniella armata

Stylocoeniella cocosensis

Stylocoeniella guentheri

Stylophora danae

Stylophora kuehlmanni

Stylophora madagascarensis

Stylophora mamillata

Stylophora pistillata

Stylophora subseriata