Sexual system

ID: 8

Class: Reproductive


Each polyp of the population having gametes of only one sex (either male or female) at maturity (gonochore); one or more polyps of the population having both male and female gametes at maturity (hermaphrodite).


Values: hermaphrodite gonochore


Editor: Andrew Baird (contact)


Montipora effusa

Montipora flabellata

Montipora foliosa

Montipora foveolata

Montipora gaimardi

Montipora grisea

Montipora hispida

Montipora hoffmeisteri

Montipora incrassata

Montipora informis

Montipora malampaya

Montipora mollis

Montipora monasteriata

Montipora patula

Montipora peltiformis

Montipora samarensis

Montipora spumosa

Montipora stellata

Montipora tortuosa

Montipora tuberculosa

Montipora turgescens

Montipora turtlensis

Montipora venosa

Montipora verrucosa

Moseleya latistellata