Willis, B. L., Babcock, R. C., Harrison, P. L., Oliver, J. K. (1985) Patterns in the mass spawning of corals on the Great Barrier Reef from 1981 to 1984.. Proc. 5th. Int. Coral Reef Symp 4, 343-48

ID: 57

DOI: conference_proceedings

Description: Not entered

Observations from this resource

Acanthastrea echinata

Acropora digitifera

Acropora divaricata

Acropora grandis

Acropora samoensis

Acropora sarmentosa

Acropora solitaryensis

Acropora valenciennesi

Acropora vaughani

Astrea curta

Australogyra zelli

Catalaphyllia jardinei

Caulastraea furcata